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Help Others

Show your love to the world


Crypto donations make the world a better place!

Show your love to the world by donating spare or unused crypto tokens to Alex's donation wallet. Any amount is appreciated. This wallet was created for donation purposes only.

When it reaches a certain amount, Alex will send the funds to charities and animal welfare organizations.

The donation wallet accepts ETH, USDT, and any other major coins through the ERC-20 (Ethereum) network. It also accepts BNB, USDT, and any other major coins through the BSC (BNB Smart Chain) network. Of course, we accept Alex Token through ERC-20.

Alex picks a random winner for a merchandise giveaway (T-shirts, CDs, etc.) every week. Please leave your wallet address or transaction hash on Alex's Twitter or Discord.

Donation Wallet Address

Check your transactions on Alex's donation wallet.

Please leave your wallet address to enter the giveaway


"Alex came to us from Minecraft's Overworld

to make the world a better place"

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